Deportation is a scary concept. Those that wish to reside in the country do not want to be removed against their wishes. Immigrants need to be granted a status to legally reside in the country before they enter. This may include a green card to give them a legal status for a period of time. However, sometimes individuals in the country can face removal proceedings for various reasons. If deportation becomes a reality for you, you should seek protection. Not only can you be affected, but their family may suffer as well. Deportation can also lead to a three to five year bar that may prevent the individual from re-entering any time soon.

Can a removability waiver prevent deportation?
With the help of certain procedures, individuals may be able to prevent their deportation. This can include a request for a removability waiver. When you request this waiver, you ask the court for permission to remain in the country even if you have committed a removable violation. Removable violations can include illegal immigration, traffic or criminal charges, violations of visa conditions and overstaying the term of a visa. With this waiver in effect, it may be able to prevent your removal from the United States. It may be a cause for a reason to overlook the charges against you and allow you to remain in the country.
Will an arrest affect my status in the U.S.?
A criminal charge can affect an individual’s residency in the United States if they are not a citizen of the country. If a non-citizen is arrested, they can face the possibility of deportation. When individuals are deported, they are removed the country and sent back to their home country. For imprisoned immigrants, their imprisonment may cause them to be detained by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement office. When the individual is bailed out of jail, they can then be sent to ICE detention while authorities consider if they should be removed from the country or allowed to stay. During these times, it is important to have an immigration attorney to work on your behalf. This can help provide you with the best opportunity to stay in the U.S. and avoid any removal proceedings. If you are trying to enter the United States, but have criminal charges against you, this can lead to a delay or a possible prevention in your visa process. However, with an inadmissibility waiver, it can grant you entry into the country despite the presence of inadmissible circumstances.
Detzky, Hunter & DeFillippo, LLC is an experienced law firm that has proudly served clients across New Jersey for decades from their convenient locations in Freehold and Somerville. If you need strong legal guidance, contact us today to schedule a consultation. We are lawyers who listen, counselors who care.